Developing and maintaining a relationship with your doctor

14.04.21 07:49 PM By Hannah W

According to a recent poll, 89% of Americans felt that maintaining a relationship with a doctor who understands their health background and medical history was important. Unfortunately, the number of Americans with a primary care doctor continues to decline year over year. In 2002, 77% of American adults had a primary care physician that they saw on a regular basis. In 2015, that number had fallen to 75% of American adults. Let’s take a look at some ways that you can develop and maintain a healthy relationship with your doctor. 

Find a doctor that fits your budget

Many Americans avoid going to the doctor on a regular basis because of the cost. According to Healthcare Blue Book, a very basic doctor’s visit will cost around $68. This type of visit entails a very minor health problem that requires some counseling and treatment. More complex types of health care services requiring a doctor’s visit could cost as much as $240. For this reason, many Americans simply avoid going to the doctor.

Consider a concierge medical service, such as Insight Life Care. Starting at $150 per month, this affordable membership service guarantees you access to a doctor whenever you need it and can help you establish a regular cycle for receiving routine checkups and visits as you need them.

Find a doctor that will prioritize your appointment time

In today’s healthcare system, doctors have less time to devote to each of their patients. According to some research, the typical doctor has about two hours worth of administrative and clerical work for every hour that they spend with a patient. When you see a new doctor, they often have to spend time researching your medical history. 

In a traditional healthcare setting, your appointment length will last around fifteen minutes and only be long enough to address your primary medical concern. Concierge medicine prioritizes your appointment time, ensuring that you have lengthy, unhurried time with your doctor to address all of your health concerns.

See the same doctor consistently

According to research from the United Kingdom that also reviewed data from the United States, seeing the same doctor consistently can potentially reduce the risk of death. People sometimes avoid seeing their primary care physician because of appointment wait time, cost, and other associated factors. With a concierge medical service like Insight Life Care, you are guaranteed access to the same doctor and appointments are available within 24 hours. With the traditional primary care model, you might find yourself using an urgent care facility where you have an appointment with a doctor substitute or could potentially find yourself calling around to find an available appointment with a doctor that might not know your medical history. 

Many Americans choose to go to urgent care when they are sick. Nearly 89 million patients visit an urgent care center each year, which accounts for 29% of all primary care visits. While urgent care may seem more convenient than waiting for the doctor, you might not get access to a physician who is intimately familiar with your medical history.

Make sure to address all of your health concerns with your doctor

Over the years, as you develop a rapport with your physician, you will feel more comfortable addressing all of your health concerns with them. The ideal doctor’s appointment will follow a format where the patient sets the agenda and the doctor listens. Preparing a detailed list will allow the doctor ample time to address each issue and suggest a probable course of action. According to theAmerican Academy of Family Physicians, this technique helps physicians address their patient’s concerns in a respectful and unhurried manner. Many concierge physicians take this approach, resulting in a good doctor-patient interaction. 

Take advantage of other ways to consult with your physician

Sometimes, work and life make a visit to the doctor’s office an inconvenience. According to some sources, nearly 30% of Americans avoid the doctor’s office because they do not want to take time off of work. Other people, especially during the pandemic, avoid the doctor’s office because they do not want to get sick. 

In these situations, concierge doctors offer two services that still allow for regular interaction with your doctor. These include telemedicine and house calls. Telemedicine can allow you to visit with your doctor if you are on vacation or are traveling for business. A house call visit lets the doctor see you in the comfort and privacy of your own home. 

In addition to telemedicine and house calls, concierge medical services like Insight Life Care also offer remote monitoring and on-site testing. Insight Life Care also offers in-office visits where you are the only patient in the clinic. 

Convenience, consistency, and cost are key for the ideal physician-patient relationship

When considering your healthcare, convenience, consistency, and cost are all going to be driving factors for maintaining a good doctor-patient relationship. In terms of cost, concierge medicine is affordable, with Insight Life Care offering a membership-based model starting at $150 per month. You will also get access to a doctor within 24 hours. Lastly, your doctor will be able to see you at your convenience, whether you are traveling and need telemedicine, or wish to  have your doctor visit you while in your own home. 


Chris Nussbaum, MD, FHM founded Insight Life Care after 25 years of primary care and hospital practice in order to create an environment where patients are at the forefront of care. Click here to learn more »






Hannah W